A part time student that searching for part time job. Offering top-notch financial reports, develop strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals of the organization. In-depth understanding of finanace strategy and responsible for the financial health of an organization.
You should hire me because I am well-versed in providing world-class financial management service to an upscale clientele, and I pride myself on my ability to quickly resolve problems so that the company enjoy the benefits.
I was very fortunate to be hired by previous company right out of University. They taught me a lot about accounting and financial management. However, I am ready for the next step and finding new experinces.
I’m not someone who is energized by or thrives in stressful environments. My way in managing stress is to try to circumvent it by keeping my work processes very organized, and my attitude professional.
As a major in finance, my greatest strength is to tackle problems when they arise. It is always very stressful facing financial problems as a business, but there is help and advice available to help tackle them because I personally believe When there is a will, there is a hope
I am someone who likes stability. My goal is to find a job that I can hold long term with a local company, becoming a valued employee as I gradually advance to positions of increasing authority and responsibility.
010-973 2774
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